Saturday, June 13, 2009

Branching out

I spent many years working toward my Bachelor's degree so that I could work in the computer science field, and I enjoy doing computer science work, that isn't the problem. But, there is something missing.

I also spent a lot of time over the years, some official, some not official, learning about healing arts - mostly in the spiritual/emotional realm. I spent a lot of time working in mental health, and helping people work with their mental illness - some of it counseling, some of it just listening. I took a lot of classes in psychology. I also took a lot of classes in biology, and have spent a lot of time learning about medical conditions, so I have also counseled people about some medical conditions that are often very sensitive.

Since I took my full-time job in computer science, I haven't been doing much of the "other" stuff and I am feeling a void in that area. I am doing some on Jules' list, but that isn't really enough.

Several years ago (when I was at William and Mary), one of my hallmates introduced me to Tarot. Since then, I have studied it off and on over the years. In the last couple years, I have purchased several additional decks and have read a myriad of books and studied various author's interpretations of the cards and their meanings. I have joined online Tarot enthusiasts groups and read their interpretations as well. Through all this, I feel I have gained a lot of insight into who I am and into ways to interpret the cards and how they speak to us about the many facets in our lives.

I want to have a second job where I can use this knowledge to help other people. I don't have to earn a lot with it. My full-time job pays well enough, I suppose. But any work is worth being paid for. I have put up some information on my personal web page about doing readings. I set it up with PayPal. The prices are pretty low compared to other readers I have seen. I am hoping to get a small consistent clientel. Even if I only get 10 clients that I serve monthly, that would be good. And it would amount to about $50 a month.

Do I think it will happen? Probably not. Not because I don't do a good job reading, but because I don't know how people would find out about it. I can't advertise it at my regular job. That wouldn't work. I would just have to hope that some people find the page. And with so many pages out on the www now, that isn't all that likely.