Thursday, May 21, 2009

New MP3 - some small frustrations

I got a new MP3 player the other day. I had a 1GB that I have had since 2006 and it had been a great little unit - it does everything I need it to do, except that it didn't quite hold as much music as I would like for it to hold, so a few days ago, when I was shopping for Father's Day presents for my hubby and my dad, I saw this nice little 4GB with upgradeable memory (it has a mini-SD slot), I decided to pick it up for myself.

It came a few days ago, and I spent one day just letting it charge at work. Didn't expect it to do anything else. Then, that evening, I started transferring music to it. Worked pretty well. Got a good mix going but wasn't nearly finished when I was ready to crash for the evening.

Played it at work yesterday, and was very pleased. Then last night, I spent some more time transferring more music after I installed the mini SD (which I haven't even begun to fill.) My only complaint? The lanyard.

I spent probably an hour trying to get the darned lanyard on it last night (while it was transferring music). It just wouldn't go through the stupid hole. Then again this morning, I was trying to force it through the hole, using a paper clip and a twisty tie to assist me. Still no joy. I ended up going to the website and searching the forum for "lanyard". Guess what I found - there was a post from a user explaining that there is a small piece of plastic inside the hole that needs to be popped out before the lanyard can be pushed through. He did it with a staple that he had unfolded. Uhm, yeah. That is something that most people will automatically think to do. "Gee, let me take a staple, unfold it and poke it in this hole in case there is left over plastic that needs to be reamed out before I can insert my lanyard." Crappy design people! The lanyard hole is darn small enough as it is, let's not make it even harder to get that tiny little thread of a piece in there, okay?

My lanyard is now in place (I used a pushpin, as I don't have a stapler - don't ask why.) I still don't have all the music on the player that I want to have on there, but it ran out of battery last night before I finished transferring stuff. :) I will finish tonight. It also has an external speaker, WIFI (in case I want to listen to Internet radio) but I can also use that to upgrade the firmware. I can also use it to connect to Flickr, though I am not sure why I would want to. There are a bunch of other features I ahven't even looked at. I really only got it to listen to music though. :)

So, what happens to my old MP3? Well, my daughter has lost hers, so I may give her the old one, or I may keep it (it is loaded with exercise music, while the new one has a different mix on it ), so I could still use that when I go to the rec center.

So what type of music am I putting on there, you ask? Mostly "relaxing" music. I have been in somewhat of a blue funk lately. With my grandmother's recent health decline and then death, I spent many weekends up with my parents helping to care for her, so I was listening to "soothing" music, both in her room with her (though I am not sure how much of it she was hearing that last weekend), and then in the car while I was traveling to and from my parents' home. I also have been listening to it while I am at work because it doesn't interfere with my work or bother my workmates. It seems to fit my contemplative mood. Is that good? I don't really know. It may be a sign that things are just a bit too low, but I have good reason to be feeling a bit low. Surely, I will rebound soon, and I will want peppier music. We will have to wait and see.

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