Sunday, September 18, 2005

Looking for a job, again

Well, I had a really nice job working with, but they ran out of funding. My boss hopes that they will get another grant (they applied in June), but until then, I am jobless.

For right now, while I am recovering from surgery (see related article, if you are interested), it isn't a big deal (other than the lack of money). I have heard that my former-former boss is retiring and they are getting a new office manager. My husband wants me to consider taking that job back, but with gas prices so high, driving out there is really too expensive. If they let me work from home (which they probably would if I take the web minister job instead of being an administrative clerical assistant), it might not be too bad.

I am just leary of working with that crowd again, because the melodramatics were over the top, and I don't need the stress (that was another reason I had high blood pressure, I am sure.)

I have sent off an email to a friend who used to do their web development to see if he is going back, if not, I may apply for his old job. I still have a lot of thinking about it to do, though.

In the mean time, I have gotten another web development client, but they didn't need much. It is located at AMIC-C. I am still looking for other clients, but so far, I haven't had a lot of luck.

My youngest is now in kindergarten, and her hours are 11-3. That makes is really rough to find a job with hours that allow me to get her on and off the bus. Oh well, I will keep looking.

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