I live in Virginia Beach, VA, USA. The city is on the coast and usually has temperate weather. This winter has been particularly cold. It is odd to see people with full-fledged coats, gloves, hats and some even with mufflers. I can remember winters when I was out on Christmas day in just jeans and a shirt, riding my bike. Certainly not this winter.
I am not saying we had a lot of snow this year. We certainly didn't, though we had some. The schools were even out one day for the snow. We just have had brisk cold and windy days. We have also had record amounts of rain already this year. Everything is soggy and cold. Finally, today, we had a day of beautiful clear, warm weather. In fact, it was up to 69 degrees today. It is still 58, which is high enough that I left out some of my hanging plants. Of course, it is warmer now than the high is expected to be for tomorrow, and the rest of the week is kind of bleak as well.
Such is the fickle hand of nature.
1 comment:
Fickle indeed. As I sit here this afternoon at the computer, I am surprised at the way the weather had turned. 69 yesterday, snowing today. Of course, I don't expect it to stick. Seeing the quarter-sized and larger snowflakes falling outside the window while I lunched with an old friend, it was hard to remember that this is Virginia BEACH.
We ordered the soup and salad special that the Olive Garden has at lunchtime during the week. We both chose the minestrone - a good hearty soup, filled with white beans and vegetables, grated parmesan floating on the top. My friend had just completed a job interview and we were discussing the offer they made.
As we ate and talked, I watched the rain change to sleet. I knew that sleet meant snow was coming. When we walked to the car, I mentioned that the snow must be on the way, and that he should consider leaving directly back northward (he lives 180 miles north-west in Richmond.) While I was not concerned with his driving skills in the snow, I was concerned with those who live in this area. Snow is unusual enough to make good drivers poor, and poor drivers deadly.
I dropped him off at his car, and watched him drive off in the now nearly complete snowfall. My little one and I turned and headed home. In the fifteen minute drive, the snow had begun to stick.
We came in, and I headed up to the computer to check the weather: 2 inch accumulation expected. Maybe I will make soup for dinner. A warm, creamy potato soup with cheddar cheese and thick wheat bread would quickly remove any thoughts of snow from our minds. After dinner, we will set aside our dishes, and spend an evening in story-telling and sharing.
The weather may be fickle, but my life goes on regardless.
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