I got an email from this blog site, indicating that my blogsite is attached to a particular email account. Strange, I didn't ask which account it was associated with. Probably means someone else was trying to login to this account. Tough luck, whoever you were. :) This is still my blog, and only I can post here. Nanny nanny boo boo. :)
Okay, I am being childish, but I am feeling childish today. Yesterday, I found out that my employer, well, the base on which I am employed, it not only being disestablished (I knew that), but the # of contractors (I am a contractor) in my department (the IT deparment) is being reduced from 137 to 29. The entire base is being reduced by a ridiculous (as far as I am concerned) amount, but to reduce IT by the amount they are discussing is unbelievable, and to expect to be able to continue to provide the needed services with 1/5 the contractors in our specific department it ludacris. We have only contractors. There are no military or civilians in our particular department (other than the one project manager). If they reduce us by 1/5th, there is no way to complete the mission.
We will hear who the lucky 29 contractors are in about 6 weeks (the end of March). Will I be one of the lucky 29? Oh, I don't know. I work hard. I get my tasks done on time and usually as well or better than asked. But, I am not the top of my sub-department. So, if they can keep only one, I don't think it will be me. But, if they can keep more than one in my sub-department, I have a reasonable chance, I suppose.
Maybe it is time for me to rethink whether IT is my lifelong career path, or whether it is time to re-evaluate.